
所在地:大阪市中央区  Location: Chuo-ku, Osaka City.



Outline of Osaka Castle

The kind: Hira-shiro.
Important cultural property: Oh-Te-Mon, Hori, Tamon-Yagura, Senkan-Yagura, Inui-Yagura, Ichi-ban-Yagura, Roku-ban-Yagura, Ensyou-Kura, Kane-Kura, Kinmeisui-Ido Yakata, Sakura-Mon


大坂は、秀吉がここに城を建てるまで石山と呼ばれていた。1583(天正11)年、西国30あまりの大名に命じ築城を開始し、途方もない規模の城郭が15年の歳月をかけて完成する。城域が 2km 四方を越す、難攻不落の城として誕生した大坂城ではあったが、秀吉の死後17年経た1615(慶長20)年、大坂夏の陣で全焼してしまう。その後は家康のもと、秀吉の大坂城の石垣の上に盛り土をし、より大きい大阪城を築城する。1629(寛永6)年に大阪城は完成したが、36年後に落雷で焼失。以後昭和になるまで天守閣の再建はされなかった。



History of Osaka Castle

Osaka was called Ishiyama until Toyotomi Hideyoshi built the castle here. 30 or so Daimyos from the West of Japan were ordered by Hideyoshi, to start construction of the castle in 1583. The fortress despite its extraordinary scale was completed in 15 years. The whole region of the castle was called Osaka-Jo and exceeds 2km around its perimeter. It was built to be an impregnable castle, but it was burned down in a war called Osaka-Natsu-no-Jin in 1615, 17 years after the death of Hideyoshi. After that, its height was raised by Tokugawa Ieyasu, and rebuilt on the stone wall of Osaka-Jo of Hideyoshi. A larger castle was then established. Although Osaka-Jo was completed in 1629, it was burned down by a thunderbolt 36 years later. Reconstruction of Osaka-Jo Tensyu was not carried out for a further 300 years.

What initiated as the Tensyu of Hideyoshi and was developed as Tensyu-Dai of Ieyasu was rebuilt by donations from Osaka residents in 1931. Present day Osaka Castle, which is the 3rd generation, was born. Tensyu was burned down during World War II, which was the castle's greatest crisis. Since there were many military-related institutions on the outskirts and inside the castle, it was subjected to intense bombing. While almost all the buildings were destroyed, Tensyu remained almost untouched.

It was as Osaka-Jo that the castle made a fresh start as a historic park after the war. In recent years, institutions, such as Osaka-Jo Hall and a field concert hall, were built. It became a huge international historic park, and is used for events such as the course of the Osaka International Women's Marathon. The outer wall was repainted in 1997, as well as the restoration of ornamental parts and restoration of gold leaf. Internal modifications and "repair of Heisei" which can bear earthquakes of seismic intensity 7 were undertaken. Osaka castle was born again. One especially beautiful feature of Osaka-Jo is by lighting designer Ishii Mikiko who designed its illumination. It seems that the warm lighting used imitates the light of candle flames and gives the impression that the old interior of the castle, even now, has people living there as they did in the past.

Senkan-Yagura:1 Sakura-Mon:1 Nishi-no-Maru:1 Nishi-no-Maru:2 Hon-Maru:1 Yamazato-Maru Gokuraku-Bashi:1 Gokuraku-Bashi:2 Kita-UchiBori:1 Kita-UchiBori:2 千貫櫓1:Senkan-Yagura:1 千貫櫓2:Senkan-Yagura:2 桜 門1:Sakura-Mon:1 桜 門2:Sakura-Mon:2 西の丸1:Nishi-no-Maru:1 西の丸2:Nishi-no-Maru:2 本 丸1:Hon-Maru:1 本 丸2:Hon-Maru:2 本 丸3:Hon-Maru:3 山里丸 :Yamazato-Maru 極楽橋1:Gokuraku-Bashi:1 極楽橋2:Gokuraku-Bashi:2 北内濠1:Kita-UchiBori:1 北内濠2:Kita-UchiBori:2