所在地:彦根市金亀町 Location: Konki-cho, Hikone City, Shiga.

Outline of Hikone Castle
The kind: Hira-Yama-shiro.
Japanese National treasure: Tensyu
Important cultural property: Uma-Ya, Tenbin-Yagura, Taiko-Mon-Yagura, Nishi-no-Maru Sanju-Yagura, Ni-no-Maru Sawaguchi-Tamon-Yagura
幕府はここ彦根を、大坂や以西の大名への防衛ラインと考え、伊賀、伊勢、尾張、美濃、飛騨、若狭、越前の七ヶ国十二大名に協力を命じ、一大名「井伊」の築城ではなく幕府の総力をあげた国家事業となった。そのためか、他城からの移築が多いのが彦根城の特徴である。天守は京極高次の大津城、西の丸三重櫓は浅井長政の小谷城、天秤櫓は豊臣秀吉の長浜城、太鼓門は石田三成の佐和山城。 天守は築城より2年で完成したが、すべてが完成するにはこの後約20年の歳月を要した。
History of Hikone Castle
Ii Naomasa which dedicated distinguished services in war of Sekigahara was able to give the prize from Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was former territory Ohmi-no-Kuni of Ishida Mitsunari there. And Naomasa will be in Sawayama-Jo which was Mitsunari's Castle ON in 1601. However, since it was outdated Yama-Shiro there, it newly conceived of construction of the castle of the modern style. Naomasa dies at the next year owing to the gun crack at the time of war of Sekigahara. Although his legitimate son's Naokatsu inherited the headship of the family, since it was childhood, construction of a castle was started by using golden Kameyama as the optimal ground by advice of Karoh Kimata Morikatsu.
Tokugawa-Bakufu which considered Hikone to be a defensive line to the daimyo of Osaka or west ordered seven-nation 12 daimyos of Iga, Ise, Owari, Mino, Hida, Wakasa, and Echizen to perform cooperation, and became the national enterprise which raised not castle construction of one daimyo "Ii" but the aggregate power of Bakufu. As for the feature of Hikone-Jo, there is much reconstruction from such a thing and other castles. Tensyu is Ohtsu-Jo of Kyogoku Takatsugu. Nishi-no-Maru Sanju-Yagura is Odani-Jo of Asai Nagamasa. Tenbin-Yagura is Nagahama-Jo of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Taiko-Mon-Yagura was brought from Sawayama-Jo of Ishida Mitsunari. Tensyu was completed from construction in two years. However, the time for about 20 years was required after this to complete all.
From construction to the establishment of prefectural system of Meiji, 14 generation of Ii family continued using it, and chief minister Ii Naosuke famous for Ansei-no-Taigoku in the end of a curtain etc. has produced a large number of the persons who become the core of Bakufu. Although many castles were lost by Haijo-Rei of the Meiji government, when Okuma Sigenobu reported that for disappearance of inspection and a noted castle to Emperor Meiji reluctantly just before withdrawal of the castle in 1878, the figure can also be enjoyed now.